Healing Crystals Co.

Crystal Healing and Christianity: Complete Guide (Updated 2025)

pieces of crystals white rocks placed on a white surface

In this post, we reveal everything you need to know about crystal healing and Christianity, including whether they are compatible. Let's dive in!


There has been a steady upsurge of interest in crystal healing. Despite not having any significant scientific evidence that crystals contribute in the healing process, both proponents and hard-core believers have never wavered in their belief. While new age belief are generally harmless, many religions, particularly Christianity, connect a belief in “evil crystals” with occultism and mysticism. So, can crystal healing and Christianity exist on the same plane? This is the question that this article will attempt to address through discussing the following:

  • Crystal Healing and its Roots
  • What Ancient Cultures Used Crystals
  • What Religions Use Healing Crystals?
  • Is Crystal Healing Compatible with Christianity?
    • Healing Stones in the Bible
    • What Does the Bible Say About Crystals?
    • Bible Verses About Crystals
    • The Nay Side
    • The Aye Side

Crystal Healing and its Roots

Crystals play a huge role in the world of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM). CAM proponents see crystals as conduits of natural energy. This crystal energy, so to speak, is believed to possess healing properties beneficial to the entirety of human beings – his/her physical, spiritual, mental, psychological, and emotional being. 

Crystal healing is rooted in the concept of chakras. First mentioned in the Vedas, India’s ancient sacred texts of spiritual knowledge, chakra is a Sanskrit word that literally translates to ‘wheel’ or ‘disk’. These are associated with energy centers in the human body which, in the scientific sense, correspond to major organs and nerve bundles. 

Crystal energy and its healing properties cannot be properly understood without discussing the seven main chakras found along different points of the human spine. These are:

Root chakra. Also called muladhara, the root chakra is found at the base of the spine. This chakra is associated with stability, balance, security, career, money, mindset, and the sense of belonging. It is believed to affect the spine, rectum, arms, legs, and the circulatory system.

Sacral chakra. Also called svadhisthana, the sacral chakra is found below the belly button. This chakra is associated with emotions, attraction, sexuality, pleasure, and creative energy. It is believed to affect reproductive organs, kidneys, bowels, and the immune system.

Solar plexus chakra. Also called manipura, the solar plexus chakra is found in the general stomach area. This chakra is associated with control, personal power, self-esteem, and confidence. It is believed to affect the central nervous system, pancreas, liver, digestive tract, and the skin.

Heart chakra. Also called anahata, the heart chakra is found in the center of the chest. This chakra is associated with love, compassion, relationships, and self-acceptance. It is believed to affect the heart, thymus, lower lungs, circulatory system, and the immune system.

Throat chakra. Also called vishuddha, the throat chakra is found near the throat. This is associated with language, verbal communication, and self-expression. It is believed to affect the thyroid, respiratory system, teeth, and vocal cords.

Third eye chakra. Also called ajna, the third eye chakra is found below the forehead right between the eyes. This chakra is associated with intuition, imagination, gut instinct, sense of purpose, and direction in life. It is believed to affect the pituitary gland, eyes, and sinuses.

Crown chakra. Also called sahasrara, the crown chakra is found on top of the head. This chakra is associated with purpose and a deep spiritual connection with the person, the community, the universe, and the divine. It is believed to affect the pineal gland, brain, and the nervous system.

illustration of the seven major chakras colored dots on a silhouette of woman

This is where crystal healing enters the picture. Crystal healing is an alternative medical technique where certain crystals or stones act as conduits of positive healing energy that flows into these energy centers. While the energy flows in, these crystals draw out disease-inducing energy and expel them.

Although crystal healing is anything but commonplace, a typical treatment session involves a crystal healer placing specific stones on the different chakra locations depending on the needs of the patient. Crystal healing is not limited to the four walls of the clinic. It can be used to ward off negative energy while attracting positive energy. Here, certain crystals are worn as necklaces, rings, or bracelets. Crystals, in this sense, are referred to as amulets or talismans.

There are so many crystals to talk about where crystal healing is concerned. Some of the most powerful crystals include:

  • Selenite. Known as the master stone, it is believed to cleanse and recharge other crystals. It helps achieve inner peace and holistic healing.
  • Moonstone. Known as the stability stone, it is believed to strengthen intuition and harmony within. It is best used to address hormonal problems and concerns affecting the digestive system, pituitary gland, obesity, and water retention.
  • Aventurine. Known as the opportunity stone, it is believed to attract luck and abundance. Since it is associated with the heart chakra, it is particularly effective to address concerns with the heart and blood circulation. This crystal is the go-to amulet or talisman for CAM believers coming from surgery, injury, or illness.
  • Crystal Quartz. Known as the spirit stone, it is believed to boost the immune system and helps achieve a healthy circulatory system.  
  • Citrine. Known as the money stone, it is believed to aid in metabolism, digestion, and nerve impulses. It provides relief for nausea as well.
  • Agate. Known as the inner stability stone, it is believed to improve mental function.
  • Tourmaline. Known as the grounding stone, it is believed to be the best protector against evil spirits and negative entities. It is used for strengthening the immune system while releasing tension.
  • Rose Quartz. Known as the love stone, it is believed to aid in emotional healing as well as improve blood circulation.
  • Turquoise. Known as the protection stone, it is believed to support proper energy flow throughout the body.
  • Fluorite. Known as the positivity stone, it is believed to provide relief for colds and inflammation.
  • Lapis Lazuli. Known as the truth stone, it is believed to help provide relief for vocal cords, throat, and larynx problems.
  • Hematite. Known as the grounding stone, it is believed to aid in blood circulation and support healthy heart function.
  • Jade. Known as the dream stone, it is believed to be good for the heart and is also helpful in promoting healthy circulation.
  • Amethyst. Known as the manifestation stone, it is believed to provide relief for headaches, neck tension, and insomnia. It aids in healthy nervous system function.
  • Kyanite. Known as the emotion stone, it is believed to help concerns with the throat and communication.
  • Obsidian. Known as the mirror stone, it is believed to help address mental health-related issues including stress, trauma, and anxiety.
  • Blue Topaz. Known as the creativity stone, it is believed to help persons with mental illnesses and sight issues.
  • Opal. Known as the eye stone, it is believed to improve eye sight and promote healthy vision.
  • Amazonite. Known as the courage stone, it is believed to provide relief for skin problems including rashes and acne.
  • Garnet. Known as the health stone, it is believed to promote healthy metabolism and aids in healthy blood clotting. 

So, is crystal healing particularly effective? Since there is no empirical proof that it is, the answer to this question may sway to the negative. However, CAM proponents may find solace in the fact that medical doctors do tolerate crystal energy healing, albeit to a certain extent. The brain, in itself, is a powerful tool for healing. The belief that crystals possess healing energy can be instrumental in alleviating pain, inducing relaxation, and, to a limited degree, be therapeutic. But that is where medical practitioners draw the line. Proponents and believers alike are cautioned against foregoing scientific treatment when it comes to life-threatening ailments.

Ancient Culture and Crystals

The belief in crystals is much more than a fad that has gained traction over the years. Crystal healing has been “a thing” for eons, dating back to 1500 BC when it was first mentioned in the Vedas. In fact, six ancient cultures had much reverence for crystals and their supposed power.

different types of polished precious gems crystals and stones
  • Roman Culture. Many Roman leaders wore crystal talismans and amulets. They believed that crystals can attract prosperity, good health, luck, and fortune. They also believed that they could provide protection, especially when they went to war.
  • Chinese Culture. Jade is arguably the most popular crystal of choice, and it dates back to ancient times in China. Acupuncture is known to utilize crystal-tipped needles.
  • Egyptian Culture. Ancient Egyptians made use of crystals particularly in their burial rituals. In fact, tombs of pharaohs and priests are filled with quartz, which was based on their belief that this crystal helps achieve a balance of energy as the spirit enters the realm of the afterlife. As a quick aside, Cleopatra was known to favor lapis lazuli stones, while rubies were a common adornment for Egyptian women as a way to attract love and attention.
  • Greek Culture. According to many historical records, the bodies of Greek soldiers were rubbed with crushed hematite before going to battle. This was believed to make them stronger, even invincible. 
  • Japanese Culture. Here, crystal quartz spheres were a symbol of power and wisdom. Crystals were also used for psychic purposes, such as foretelling the future.
  • Indian Culture. The healing power of crystals was celebrated in ancient India. Crystals are frequently mentioned in Ayurvedic medicine and old Hindu scripts. 

Given that crystals look otherworldly, it does not come as much of a surprise that ancient cultures believed them to be of divine origin, which led to them being used in healing practices and rituals. Over time, more organized faith-based systems came to be. Religions with fixed beliefs began to crop up like mushrooms. The crystal, however, survived this diversification of religion, and has been assimilated into several belief systems and cultural practices. 

What Religions Use Healing Crystals?

diagram of tree long vines yellow background scribbles underneath

You don’t need to look too far to know which religions use crystals: these stones are known to play parts in many religious practices. In the Koran, for example, the 4th Heaven is made of carbuncle, a garnet crystal. In Hindiusm, the Kalpa Tree is made of precious stone. In Buddhism, a thousand Kalpa Buddhas sat on a diamond throne. In Jainism, the Kalpa Sutra used the finest essence of 14 precious stones to aid in his transformations.

At present, crystals are an integral part of the New Age movement which focuses on personal transformation and healing. This “religion” is considered an offshoot of esotericism, often referred to as the doctrine in respect of which there is a transcendental unity of religions. Since its esoteric roots are commonly associated with mysticism, occultism, and ritual magic, it also does not come as a surprise that many Christians believe that crystals and Christianity do not mix.

Is Crystal Healing Compatible with Christianity?

Time and again, Christian believers denounced the belief in crystals. Crystal healing and Christianity cannot exist on the same plane, they argued. However, healing stones are referred to in the Bible several times. Garnet, for example, is mentioned in Ezekiel 28:13, where red garnet is mentioned as one of the precious stones that cover the Garden of Eden. Another biblical reference that stands out is Exodus 28:15-21, where there is reference to the crystals encrusted in the breastplate of Aaron, considered the founder and head of the Israelite priesthood who, alongside his brother, Moses, led the Israelites out of Egypt. 

illustration of Jewish high priest labels on different parts of his outfit

In this passage, these precious stones were characterized as far from evil crystals. In fact, they were meant to “represent one of the twelve sons of Israel.” In one review of this particular passage, the Science of Correspondences writes that 

“…the stones themselves, together with the names inscribed upon them, represented all the goods and truths of heaven and the church; that those on the right side (of the high-priest) represented the celestial love of good and the celestial love of truth, or in other words, love to the Lord and mutual love; that those on the left represented the spiritual love of good, and the spiritual love of truth, or in other words, charity towards the neighbor and faith from that charity; while the three stones in each row denoted the perfection and fulness of each kind of love, from its beginning to its end.” 

Exodus 28:30 makes mention of Urim and Thummim. These stones were used to determine the “Lord’s will for his people” whenever Aaron went before the Lord. Most scholars believe that these stones were used as objects of divination, a practice shunned by the Christian community.

white and black smooth stones with gold engraving label urim and thummim description underneath

Divination is associated with perception by intuition or instinctive foresight which is one of the “modern” uses of crystal energy.

Despite the seemingly positive context of the use of crystals in the Bible, many Christians still push back where the notion of crystal healing is concerned. The position of the nay side is succinctly explained by an article published on Bible.info.com. As that article discusses, there is no objection to using crystals as adornment, given that they are beautiful and creations of God. This explains why crystals were used for armor as in the case of Aaron. However, many Christians believe that the fascination in crystals should end there. As the article posits, the use of crystals in the frame of healing is associated with occultism. Occultism “concerns itself with the study and utilization of supernatural influences, powers and phenomena” that are generally considered outside the realm of the Christian faith. Crystal healing then, as the article argues, falls under the same “mystical practices such astrology, numerology, divination, tarot card, psychic healing, mediumship, spirit channeling, ritual magic, and sorcery.”

The same article continues by quoting Bible passages that support these arguments. Among them is Deuteronomy 18:9-12 which explicitly says: “[l]et no one be found among you who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. Anyone who does these things is detestable to the Lord.” Even more explicit is another passage which the article cites. In particular, in Ezekiel 13:18, 20 and 21, the passage reads: “…and the Sovereign Lord says: ‘Woe to the women who sew magic charms on all their wrists and make veils of various lengths for their heads in order to ensnare people…I am against your magic charms with which you ensnare people like birds…” 

The article emphasizes that the use of sacred stones was known to be a practice among “pagan peoples.” The pagans were mostly known for their use of amulets; these magical charms were meant to protect a person from “negative energies, evil and injury, and also to bring good luck.” This indicates  that many Christians believe that the use of amulets is a form of pagan or occult magic which is not consistent with their religious beliefs. Some would even go as far as to quote a horrific image vividly described in Revelation 21:8: “[b]ut as for the cowardly, the faithless, the detestable, as for murderers, the sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death.” Setting aside the terrifying scene that the verse portrays, note that “sorcerers” here (i.e. practitioners of magic including crystal healers) are placed in the same league as liars and murderers. Yikes. 

bracelet with blue and and white beads cross charm

But there are those who are not ready to wave the white flag just yet. There are a plethora of articles discussing the congruency of crystal healing and Christianity and arguing that the two do not have to be mutually exclusive. They believe that the use of crystals and their healing properties is an overt manifestation of one’s gratitude to God for the gift of crystals. As God’s gift given to mankind, using crystals to assist in healing should not be too difficult to accept. What this perspective is saying is simple – that there is nothing wrong when the use of crystals is through the lens of them being God’s gift to humanity and not objects of divination or occultism. 

In fact, it might be argued that there are five ways in which crystals line up with Christianity. These include:

  • Encouraging the stewardship of natural resources. Christians are called to take care of the resources given to them by God. These include crystals.
  • Cultivating awe of the gifts the Lord has given His people. Using crystals is a way for Christians to remind themselves of the awesome creative power of God. 
  • Utilizing crystals in a good and positive way. Since crystals are used as they are supposed to be utilized, this cannot be an evil act.
  • Helping us achieve joy, calmness, and peace of mind. The key word here is help. It is not the be all and end all where joy, calmness, and peace of mind are concerned. In other words, they are an added means to an end.
  • Thanking the Lord for the gift of crystals and their natural healing powers. Traditional medicine also uses natural ingredients just as God designed them. Why are crystals and their healing properties any different?

This side puts forth their argument quite simply – that since God created crystals they cannot be a bad thing. When used as a force of good, such as an alternative path to healing, crystals do not counter any Christian beliefs. For as long as they are not used for nefarious purposes, these proponents see nothing objectionable about Christians seeking to experience crystal healing for themselves.

As we asked earlier: can crystal healing and Christianity exist on the same plane? The answer depends on your frame of thought. On one hand, there are those who have closed their minds with the argument that crystal healing, as a whole, is a pagan practice and should be given no attention when it comes to Christian beliefs and practices. On the other hand is a more progressive way of seeing things – namely, that crystal healing is a gift from God and utilizing it is a way to both practice stewardship and be grateful for God's creation.

Either way you look at it, one thing is for certain - crystal healing is mostly benign. Whether it counters Christianity or not would ultimately depend on one’s perspective.


We hope you enjoyed this article! If you are interested in incorporating crystals into your life to help combat depression, you should consider a mindful breathing necklace made of a crystal that resonates with you. Mindful breathing jewelry made of crystals not only help provide the benefits of the crystal you choose to wear, but they can also be used to help slow your breath, leading to a greater sense of calm and serenity. Also, if you are interested in reading more about anxiety and crystals, check out our comprehensive blog post on the 15 Best Crystals for Anxiety!

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Nov 28, 2023 • Posted by ramswamypsychics

Your perspective on the intersection of crystal healing and Christianity is truly intriguing. It opens up new dialogues and provides a balanced view for those navigating spiritual paths. Your thoughtful insights encourage embracing diverse beliefs and finding harmony in differing practices, which is enlightening. Thank you for this insightful exploration.

Mar 28, 2023 • Posted by A

I really enjoyed this article. I wish that Christians did not write off everything that they can’t understand as witchcraft or satanic. Not everyone who owns crystals or uses them for healing is “worshipping rocks”, a common saying to demean and judge those who practice Crystal healing. God gave us an entire earth and natural resources, should we not drink water, eat the fruits we’ve been given, and use those natural resources in positive ways? Is growing a garden meaning you’re participating in witchcraft because you have faith that seeds will grow? Is it witchcraft to take advil everytime you feel pain? Christians pick and choose what to get mad at based on their level of understanding

Nov 16, 2021 • Posted by Healing Crystals Co.

Hi Hālani, thanks so much for your comment! We are so glad to hear that you enjoyed our article! Wishing you all the best. :)

Nov 16, 2021 • Posted by Hālani Boshard

Wow! I just need to thank you!! Everything I have read on the topic has been ridiculously biased. Your article was so well researched, objective, and you presented both sides fairly. I absolutely appreciate you for using your God-given gift as a writer and researcher! It was the most refreshing thing I’ve read on the subject thus far!

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