Healing Crystals Co.

Enstatite: Complete Guide (Updated 2024)


In this post, we reveal everything you need to know about enstatite, including its meaning, properties, and uses. Let's get started!


Gemstones form because of the extreme pressure they are subjected to beneath the earth's surface. Some gemstones are more rare and valuable than others. Enstatite is one such gemstone that we'll be discussing today. 

It is a one-of-a-kind, stunning, and vital addition to your everyday ensemble. So, if you're new to the world of gemstones and want to learn everything there is to know about enstatite, this article is for you. We've gone to great lengths to answer any of your questions about enstatite stone in this post.

  • Enstatite Meaning
  • Enstatite Properties
    • Enstatite Metaphysical Properties
    • Enstatite Healing Properties
  • Enstatite Jewelry
  • Enstatite Uses
  • Enstatite Price
  • Conclusion

Enstatite Meaning

G.A. Kenngott was the first to discover this stone in 1855. It is a pyroxene group fossil. Pyroxenes are a group of magnesium and iron-rich silicates. Enstatite gets its name from the Greek word enstates, which means "opposer”, a reference to the stone's refractory quality. Because this stone is fractured into two opposing halves, it is a hard stone that is difficult to transform into liquid. 

The appearance of the stone is similar to that of an emerald. It is sometimes visible in a dark green color because of the presence of magnesium. This stone also has a greasy and mirror-like appearance. 

Enstatite comes in a variety of colors and shapes. Bronzite is a bronze-colored type that has aged and has a submetallic sheen. When traces of chromium are discovered inside enstatite, chrome-enstatite, an emerald green variant, is created. These stones are faceted and used in jewelry as gemstones. They are the most prized enstatite variety. Hypersthene is the name for a stone that has a lot of iron. Some believe that hypersthene is a separate mineral, although most scientists accept it as a type of enstatite.

Enstatite is most commonly discovered in diamond-mining locations. It can also be found in volcanic rocks and stony meteorites. Enstatite is frequently found in aggregates or masses of fibrous lamellar aggregates. Olivine, phlogopite, clinopyroxene, diopside, spinel, and pyrope are all found together. 

In South Africa, the stone is frequently discovered with kimberlites. Myanmar, Norway, and the United States, specifically California, are the primary sources of brownish-green enstatite. Enstatite can also be chatoyant, which means it has a variable luster like a cat's eye. Enstatite in this form can be found in Sri Lanka and India.

This form of enstatite is located in the Missouri area of India, where it is popular in a dark brown hue because of its exceptional features and specialties. This gemstone is seldom found in abundance in one location. Crom enstatite, which has properties similar to dark green emerald, is the gemstone with the most demand. This gemstone can be discovered amid hard, rocky surfaces with a fire connection.

Enstatite is popular among those who collect gemstones, so it isn't very common in the category of gemstones used in jewelry manufacturing. The only reason this gemstone is popular is because of its dark brown color, which resembles the color of the earth.

Enstatite Properties

Enstatite comes in a variety of colors, including colorless, white, gray, brown, pale green, yellowish-green, and iron-rich brownish-green. It is usually pale green with white streaks. Its color and density change depending on how much iron it contains: the more iron it has, the darker and deeper the color grows and the denser it becomes.

It is most commonly seen as a gray-green crystal with a shimmering phenomenon, sometimes known as "cat's eye", and as star-shaped enstatite. Bronzite, a dark bronze-colored variation, is a silicate: a salt made up of silicon dioxide SiO2 and various metal oxides like iron and magnesium, which gives it a metallic luster with a higher refractive index and density. 

Short prismatic enstatite crystals exist, although they are extremely rare. The majority of diamonds on the market are cut from rolling pebbles. On the hardness scale, the enstatite is 5.5. It has superb cleavage and is brittle with a vitreous to a pearly sheen. 

Enstatite is a pyroxene mineral that belongs to the silicate group and the inosilicate subgroup. It also contains traces of Fe, Co, Cr, Ca, Al, Mn, Ni, Ti, K, and Na, with crystals reaching up to 40 centimeters. It can exist in three different forms because of its polymorphic nature. 

Protoenstatite is a low temperature, high-pressure polymorph that only exists for the magnesian pole, as opposed to monoclinic low-temperature polymorphs clinoenstatite and clinoferrosilite. High-temperature high-clinoenstatite and high-clinoferrosilite and low-temperature, low-clinoenstatite and low-clinic ferrosilite are the two monoclinic polymorphs that occur.

It produces a full solid solution when combined with ferrosilite, and its intermediate component, also known as hypersthene, is more popularly known as orthopyroxene. It also forms an isomorphic series, with enstatite representing the magnesian pole and ferrosilite representing the ferrous pole.  

Enstatite Metaphysical Properties

Enstatite stone

Enstatite is a vibrant, sociable mineral that is beneficial for people born under the zodiac sign Aries and it may lift one's spirits. It helps us to recharge the body's energy flow while keeping our feet firmly planted on the earth. It is useful for regression work, such as past-life regression. It opens and aligns the major chakras, like:

Root Chakra: Muladhara is the first chakra, located at the base of the spine. The earth element is linked to your ability to dig in and feel securely anchored in your life and "muladhara" means root. This energy wheel is linked to your sense of safety, familial bonds, and a sense of belonging. You feel solidly grounded in yourself and the world around you when energy flows through the first chakra.

Solar Plexus Chakra: The solar plexus, also known as manipura, is the third chakra. It rotates above the belly button and up to the breastbone in the area around the abdomen. The manipura chakra, which means "lustrous gem" in Sanskrit, is a source of the personal force that is linked to self-esteem, warrior energy, and the power of transformation.

A person with a balanced solar plexus chakra radiates confidence, is self-motivated, and has a feeling of purpose. When someone is out of balance, they may experience low self-esteem, difficulty deciding, and lack of control.

Throat Chakra: The vishuddha chakra, also known as the throat chakra, serves as the body's communication hub. It's a place where you can find your voice, tell your truth, and sing praises to yourself and others. This chakra governs speaking up and expressing oneself, as well as hearing and being heard.

The vishuddha chakra is philosophically linked to truth, clarity, and accountability. When your throat chakra is open and balanced, you cannot speak freely and compassionately, but you will also be able to listen to and hear others.

Third Eye Chakra: The ajna chakra is also known as the third eye chakra. It is where perception, consciousness, and intuition all come together. The third eye chakra is positioned in the center of your head, between your brows. The third eye provides insight into the future, whereas the two physical eyes observe the past and present.

Through inner vision, this chakra establishes a connection with the outside world. Focusing on the third eye inspires us to rise above worldly lust and diversions. The ajna chakra increases consciousness and transcends to a higher dimension when it is activated.

Crown Chakra: The crown chakra is also known as "the bridge to the cosmos," or sahasrara chakra in Sanskrit. It is the individual's center of spirit, enlightenment, wisdom, universal consciousness, and connection to higher guidance, and it is located above the forehead.

It is in charge of one's interaction and communication with the cosmos, as well as one's feelings of inspiration and devotion, unification with the higher self and the divine, and greater understanding; it is also in charge of a healthy spiritual life.

Enstatite Healing Properties

The individual who wears this gemstone is filled with feelings of trust and belief. It also boosts one's conviction in submission, improves memory, boosts energy levels, and makes one more vivid. In addition, it helps to increase a person's physical skills and mood. 

Wearing this gemstone also helps in the recognition of one's abilities and the opening of the body and soul’s key organs. A person who wears this stone can get rationality, clarity of thought, correctness, orderliness, and discipline.

Additionally, the person who wears enstatite becomes competitive, and all of his wishes, energies, and strength come to him. This gemstone is also seen to be brave, as well as a symbol of sophistication and politeness. This gemstone is also said to make its wearer more daring and vocal, as well as never allowing them to put on a front in relationships. 

It acts as an anchor stone, keeping one's feet on the ground and close to the here-and-now, and instilling calm and serenity in people who own it. The stone also helps to settle rage and tense episodes by bringing self-control. It may help impatient or nervous people to regain their serenity so they can think more clearly and respond more wisely to the difficulties they confront in everyday life.

It may not only encourage an open heart but also help to understand and express one's sentiments and emotions, facilitating pleasant connections and balancing negative situations by inviting compassion, forgiveness, and respect for others. Enstatite may be of tremendous help to people who are forced to live in a community or near a group of people who are in conflict.

It also encourages people to transcend themselves and reclaim control over the activities that define our lives by fostering self-confidence, boldness, and determination. It not only revitalizes us, but the stone also allows us to recharge our batteries with positive energy and separate from the bad.

This crystal has distinct and helpful characteristics on different sections of our body based on its color in lithotherapy. 

Light brown crystals would aid with digestion and reduce gastrointestinal difficulties, while darker colored crystals would be beneficial for foot cramps. This stone may relieve menstruation difficulties such as PMS (premenstrual syndrome) and other physical and mental symptoms that occur throughout the menstrual cycle, besides boosting intestinal comfort.

Enstatite Jewelry

Enstatite ring

Enstatite is used to create a wide range of jewelry for both men and women. The crystal is used as an embellishment in jewelry, such as rings, necklaces, pendants, bracelets, earrings, and broaches. Enstatite is also used to make beads and cabochons.

Because of its polished appearance, tumbled enstatite is commonly used in jewelry and other items. The most common cabochon shape is oval. Enstatite jewelry is dainty and exquisite, with appealing and intriguing carvings that are appropriate for any occasion.

Enstatite Uses

Jewelry, beads, cabochons, spheres, hearts, and slabs are all made from enstatite. It can be used to decorate your home and make it more appealing to the eye. Enstatite is often used to decorate the interiors of homes and offices.

Enstatite Price

The price of enstatite depends on the color of the stone. For instance, red enstatite is priced at $77 USD per carat. Yellow enstatite is priced at $81 USD. Pink enstatite is priced at $59 USD. Green enstatite is priced at $62 USD. While white enstatite may cost you around $60 USD. 


Enstatite is a delicate gem, hence, adequate care needs to be taken for its appropriate functioning and healing. This gemstone should be cleansed in warm water with soap if it becomes dirty.

A soft brush should be used to clean it so that the dirt on the gemstone can be readily removed. It should also be kept away from direct sunlight and chemicals of any kind. It should also be protected from excessive heat, since the color may fade.

The jewelry manufactured with this gemstone should be stored in a soft box made of linen. It should also be kept separate from other jewelry to avoid breaking or developing fractures.

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