In this post, we reveal everything you need to know about blue amethyst, including its meaning, properties and chakra connection. Let's dive in!
Blue amethyst? Yes, you read that correctly. This famous crystal also appears in blue ray energy, and it could be the missing piece in your current stone collection. Here’s everything we know about blue amethyst, and how it could make a difference in your life.
In this article we discuss the following:
- What is Blue Amethyst?
- Can Amethyst Be Blue?
- Blue Amethyst Meaning
- Blue Amethyst Properties
- Blue Amethyst Chakra
- Where is Blue Amethyst Found?
- How to Cleanse Blue Amethyst
- Blue Amethyst Geode
- Blue Amethyst Jewelry
- Blue Amethyst Ring
- Raw Blue Amethyst

What is Blue Amethyst?
A blue amethyst crystal is a stone, derived from regular amethyst, that is simply exhibiting itself in what are known as ‘secondary hues’. The secondary hues to violet or purple are blue and red, so amethyst stone has the potential to appear in either of these colors depending on the conditions during formation.
Blue amethyst looks exactly like regular amethyst, only blue! The shade of blue may vary from stone to stone, with some displaying incredibly light bodies and others slightly darker.
Although this stone is frequently sought after by avid crystal lovers, it is considered to be rare and usually not easy to find. Many acquire their stones thanks to sheer dumb luck, while others have to source from specialized crystals retailers.
Can Amethyst Be Blue?
Amethyst can indeed be blue as the big sky. Because this stone is as rare as it is, there are a lot of misconceptions floating around as to whether or not blue amethyst is manmade.
It’s not; blue amethyst occurs naturally within the Earth, just as purple and pink amethyst do. Blue amethyst stone is less common than these two alternatives, but no less natural.
This considered, there is definitely the option of producing counterfeit blue amethyst using well-cut glass and dye. This is a worldwide problem when it comes to basic colored crystals, such as rose quartz, green aventurine and different amethysts.
It’s a good idea to always purchase rarer stones, like blue amethyst, from reputable sources. Similarly, if the price of the item seems too good to be true, it probably is. It can be very difficult to tell real amethyst from replica fakes — so stay alert!
Blue Amethyst Meaning
Amethyst, in all of its forms, remains one of the single most important crystals with relevance throughout history.
There is evidence to suggest that blue purple amethyst was worn in Bishop’s rings, during old Christian times. Saint Valentine reportedly didn’t leave the house without his vintage amethyst stone that had an image of Cupid carved into it.
The name for Amethyst goes back a lot earlier than even this. It’s actually a word derived from Ancient Greek, and this civilization believed that amethyst possessed the power to prevent any individual from getting drunk and disorderly. They would drink wine from goblets made with amethyst.
Not far away, the Ancient Egyptians also found great use for amethyst. They embedded light blue amethyst into amulets, and embraced them for the purpose of protection against harm and elevated prayer.
Blue Amethyst Properties
Amethyst, in all forms, is considered to be a natural tranquilizer. It can be used to help anyone who suffers from persistent anxiety or intense irritability.
This potent stone can be used to balance mood swings, as well as to pacify anyone with the tendency to lose themselves in rage blackouts.
Amethyst will work to dissolve any negativity that is flowing around your energy field. Usually, this is due to the presence of grief or sadness, so targeting the one can actually bring relief to the other.
All forms of amethyst are considered to be activators of spiritual awareness. If you have any psychic abilities that are desperate to come to the surface, these stones can help bring it out of you. Use blue amethyst for heightened intuition.
Blue Amethyst Chakra
Since amethyst is usually found in violet ray energy, it is generally linked to the crown or third eye chakras. When it occurs in blue ray energy, it jumps down into the throat chakra, where it channels quite a lot of energy for the individual.
Blue stones are almost always concerned with the throat area. They enhance our communicative abilities in a healthier, happier way, making us better at expressing ourselves in the day to day.
Blue amethyst possesses all of the aforementioned properties, with the addition of communication enhancement. In this way, blue amethyst really is just a more comprehensive form of regular amethyst, and you can use it on all chakras between the crown and the throat.
Where is Blue Amethyst Found?
The best quality amethyst is currently being sourced from a number of deposits in Uruguay, Brazil, and Sri Lanka. There is also amethyst in Siberia and the Far East, however the most common source is the Montezuma blue amethyst.
The Montezuma amethyst mine is located in Mexico. Here, amethyst is produced that can be treated with heat in order to turn blue or violet blue. Blue amethyst is not the only color deposit coming from the mine; there is also yellowish green amethyst and blue-green amethyst.
In terms of where blue amethyst is found on the market, this is always a bit of a lottery situation. You may get really lucky and find a reputable seller online. Alternatively, if you ever visit Mexico, you may come across a piece in a market stall.
How to Cleanse Blue Amethyst
Blue amethyst needs to be cleansed and recharged regularly in order to stay in prime working order. These are water-safe stones, so you can use any of the following methods at least once a month:
- Submerge blue amethyst in saltwater and leave it here for up to 24 hours.
- Bury blue amethyst in the garden, and leave it here for up to 48 hours.
- Leave your crystal under the light of the full moon every month, retrieving it only the following morning.
- Leave blue amethyst underneath the showers of a rainstorm.
- Hold blue amethyst under running water for a solid minute, then towel dry.
- Place blue amethyst on a bed of Himalayan salt when not in use.
- Use prayer or meditation to cleanse blue amethyst.
- Burn incense or sacred herbs over your crystal, setting the intention for cleansing with your mind.
Blue Amethyst Geode
Unfortunately, blue amethyst rock doesn’t occur in geode form, like other amethyst counterparts. The crystals contained within geodes need to be pre-exposed in order to be heat treated, and this cannot occur within a geode cavity.
Often, geodes containing blue lace agate are mistaken for blue amethyst, and sold under false marketing. Blue lace agate geodes look exactly as blue amethyst probably would if it were to occur in geode-form, so it’s easy to understand how this kind of confusion could occur.
Sometimes, regular purple amethyst can occur in a hue so milky and flush that it takes on the hue of indigo. Indigo and violet are incredibly close on the color spectrum, and while an indigo amethyst geode is not an impossibility, it will also be easily confused as authentic blue amethyst.
Blue Amethyst Jewelry
Blue Amethyst Ring
Because blue amethyst is so hard to get a hold of, it is not being used to make an array of different jewelry the way other stones are. At most, it’s possible you’ll be able to get your hands on a well-made ring containing a small piece of blue amethyst.
Truth be told, this is sufficient for any individual looking to enjoy the beneficial properties of the stone through accessory wear. Even a tiny chunk of blue amethyst is potent enough to positively affect the human energy field.
Having the stone on your finger as you go about your day means that you’ll come into regular contact with it. Much crystal healing occurs when one is simply reminded of the stone’s presence, so a ring is an ideal way of ensuring this happens every so often.
Blue amethyst rings may set you back a pretty penny, but they’ll pay off in the long run.
Raw Blue Amethyst
We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again, opt for raw stones whenever you can!
Raw blue amethyst that has not been prodded and polished is definitely the superior form of this kind of crystal. Since bleu amethyst is so rare, sourcing it in raw form means you’ll get a whole lot more for your money.
More than this, a lot of the stone is lost when it is tumbled and polished, and this is not something that is necessary to do when a stone is as rare as this.
Raw crystals tend to be better for home display purposes, while tumbled, polished stones make for easier use on the human body, or in jewelry. Of course, this all comes down to personal preference, but if you do find yourself in the presence of a raw chunk of a blue amethyst, count your lucky stars and find the money to make it yours for good — words from the wise, we swear!
We hope you enjoyed this article! If you are interested in incorporating crystals into your life to help combat anxiety, you should consider a mindful breathing necklace made of a crystal that resonates with you. Mindful breathing jewelry made of crystals not only help provide the benefits of the crystal you choose to wear, but they can also be used to help slow your breath, leading to a greater sense of calm and serenity. Also, if you are interested in reading more about anxiety and crystals, check out our comprehensive blog post on the 13 Best Crystals for Depression!
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