Healing Crystals Co.

Aura Quartz: Complete Guide (Updated 2025)

aura quartz

In this post, we reveal everything you need to know about aura quartz, including its meaning, properties, types, colors, and uses. Let's get started!


Aura quartz crystal is known as the cinderella of the gemstone world. Working closely with all the chakras, aura quartz stone encourages you to live boldly, freely, and fearlessly in all aspects of your life. 

In this guide, you will learn everything about this powerful stone. Let's dive deep into aura quartz.

  • Aura Quartz Meaning
    • Is Aura Quartz Natural
    • Aura Quartz's Purpose
    • Aura Quartz Healing
  • Aura Quartz Properties
    • Aura Quartz Healing Properties
    • Aura Quartz Metaphysical Properties
  • Rose Quartz vs Clear Quartz vs Aura Quartz
  • Aura Quartz Types
    • Sunset Aura Quartz
      • Sunset Aura Quartz Meaning
      • Tumbled Sunset Aura Quartz
      • Sunset Aura Quartz Healing Properties
    • Fairy Aura Quartz
    • Flame Aura Quartz
      • Flame Aura Quartz Meaning
      • Flame Aura Quartz Benefits
      • Flame Aura Quartz Metaphysical Properties
    • Tanzine Aura Quartz
      • What is Tanzine Aura Quartz
      • Tanzine Aura Quartz Properties
    • Sunshine Aura Quartz
      • Sunshine Aura Quartz Properties
    • Titanium Aura Quartz
      • Titanium Aura Quartz Meaning
      • Titanium Aura Quartz Healing Properties
      • Titanium Aura Quartz Metaphysical Properties
    • Midnight Aura Quartz
    • Amethyst Aura Quartz
    • Celestial Aura Quartz
    • Ruby Aura Quartz
    • Flame Aura Quartz
    • Spirit Aura Quartz
    • Opal Aura Quartz
      • Opal Aura Quartz Meaning
    • Champagne Aura Quartz
  • Aura Quartz Colors
    • Rainbow Aura Quartz
      • Rainbow Aura Quartz Meaning
      • Rainbow Aura Quartz Properties
    • Blue Aura Quartz
      • Blue Aura Quartz Meaning
    • Rose Aura Quartz
      • Rose Aura Quartz Meaning
      • Rose Aura Quartz Metaphysical Properties
    • Purple Aura Quartz
      • Purple Aura Quartz Meaning
    • Indigo Aura Quartz
      • Indigo Aura Quartz Meaning
    • Cobalt Aura Quartz
    • Pink Aura Quartz
      • Pink Aura Quartz Meaning
    • Red Aura Quartz
    • Silver Aura Quartz
      • Silver Aura Quartz Meaning
    • Gold Aura Quartz
      • Golden Aura Quartz Meaning
    • Yellow Aura Quartz
    • Green Aura Quartz
    • White Aura Quartz
    • Black Aura Quartz
    • Cranberry Aura Quartz
    • Tangerine Aura Quartz
    • Moss Aura Quartz
    • Magenta Aura Quartz
    • Violet Aura Quartz
    • Lemon Aura Quartz
  • Aura Quartz Jewelry
    • Aura Quartz Necklace
      • Titanium Aura Quartz Necklace
      • Rainbow Aura Quartz Necklace
      • Sunset Aura Quartz Necklace
      • Flame Aura Quartz Necklace
    • Aura Quartz Ring
      • Aura Quartz Engagement Ring
    • Aura Quartz Pendant
  • Aura Quartz Uses
    • Aura Quartz Beads
    • Rainbow Aura Quartz Table
    • Aura Quartz Countertops
    • Aura Quartz Sphere
    • Aura Quartz Tower
  • How to Make Aura Quartz
  • Aura Quartz for Sale
    • Aura Quartz Wholesale
    • Fake Aura Quartz
  • Conclusion

Aura Quartz Meaning

All aura quartz varieties are high vibrational crystals, where the user or wearer feels confident in their ability to withstand challenges with an intense energy that is used to enhance spiritual well-being.

Aura quartz gemstone is created with an electrostatic process by bonding precious metals like gold, platinum, silver, and titanium onto the surface of natural clear aura quartz clusters. This becomes a permanent blend that strengthens the properties of the original gemstone, as well as brings out a unique spectrum of subtle energy on its own.

Is Aura Quartz Natural

Any crystal that is described as an ‘aura’ undergoes a process where metal is heated and processed with the crystal. Aura quartz is a beautiful yet powerful gemstone that has a variety of attractive colors.

This unique crystal is partly the creation of mother earth and partly man-made. The truth behind the aura quartz gemstone is that the stone is made from pure quartz crystals. They are not glass, plastic, or resin. Aura quartz is incorporated with the other metals on earth that make it powerful with divine energy.

Aura Quartz's Purpose 

Aura quartz crystal is associated with all the chakras. This unique crystal may have the powerful energy to strengthen your intuition. As a stone of spirituality, aura quartz may help to deepen your connection with your mind. Through this heightened self-awareness and connection, you can ‌tap into your intuition. 

Aura quartz is artificially enhanced by modern techniques. This stone uses the ancient powers of alchemy and synergy. 

Aura Quartz Healing

Aura quartz brings a perfect balance to the mind, body, and soul. Its energy is soothing and extremely healing. The healing properties of this gemstone may help you ‌release negativity and make positive changes that you want to see in your life. Aura quartz bonds with the precious metals on the earth.

You can use aura quartz to connect to the energy of mother Gaja, and it will bond to all the beauty and positivity around you. It is believed to heal old trauma and anxiety and help eliminate the negativity.

Aura Quartz Properties

aura quartz

Aura Quartz Healing Properties

Aura quartz is considered the master of healing. This crystal is clear quartz in combination with other precious metals that stimulates the power of the healing process. This powerful combo of quartz and metal can put the body in balance. It increases energy flow by eliminating negative energy blocks. It is believed to ease migraines, headaches, vertigo, and motion sickness.

Aura quartz is said to be especially protective and uplifting during pregnancy and it’s a perfect gemstone to soothe morning sickness or fears associated with complications. This gemstone is extremely powerful for absorbing, storing, releasing, and regulating energy. When you channel the energy of aura quartz properties, you'll be able to connect with the ultimate power of this crystal.

Its uniqueness and combination with other metals make it the most versatile gemstone among all crystals. Since aura quartz is a deep soul cleanser, keeping this stone around you can clear a path to achieve your desires. It holds the perfect amount of space for your mind and connects you to your mind to reach new heights in perception.

Aura Quartz Metaphysical Properties

It is said that the high vibrational energy of aura quartz makes this the perfect crystal stone for healing emotional trauma and anxiety. One can use it to expand their consciousness and elevate their spirit. It is a ‌powerful crystal that connects you to the realms of the angels.

Universal aura quartz may be the best remedy to call upon spirit guardians to protect the home. This powerful gemstone may also guide you through dark entities, dark magic, negative vibes, and harmful spirits. The metaphysical power of aura quartz is not just limited to the present life. If you use this powerful crystal during meditation, then it’s believed to tap into memories and lessons from past lives. 

Rose Quartz vs Clear Quartz vs Aura Quartz

Rose quartz is a lovely raspberry rose metallic luster crystal. It beautifully combines clear quartz with platinum, sometimes with additional gold or silver. This is the most favored dark pink healing stone with a silky luster and translucent transparency.

Rose quartz gemstone enhances universal love and leads to sweeter notes of self-care. This beautiful crystal is believed to work closely with the person’s heart chakra and stimulate love, romance, peace, kindness, beauty, and joy. Rose quartz may also eliminate anger, negative emotions, trauma, and anxiety with its high vibrational positive energy.

Clear quartz crystal is an easily recognizable crystal. As the name indicates, this crystal is transparent. Clear quartz gemstone is composed of oxygen and silicon atoms.

This gemstone has powerful healing properties, and it is associated with spiritual growth. Its high vibrational energy can clear a person’s mind, body, and soul and allows one to be the better version of themselves. Clear quartz crystal is a master healer and is believed to support the entire energetic system.

Aura Quartz Types

Sunset Aura Quartz

Sunset Aura Quartz

Sunset aura quartz possesses unique energy that comes from combining crystals with precious metals such as iridium and gold. This beautiful gemstone features a gorgeous gold/magenta/pink shade with shiny rainbow flashes. Sunset aura quartz has been a powerful gemstone to raise the vibrational energy within yourself, allowing for joy and self-confidence to flow.

You can use this stone during meditation to stimulate the solar plexus and sacral chakras. The frequency of sunset aura quartz allows you to be creative and releases stress. 

Sunset aura quartz provides master healing qualities of true quartz that promote self-love and creativity.

Tumbled Sunset Aura Quartz

You can easily buy tumbled sunset aura quartz online or at your nearest crystal store. These polished tumbled stones can have variations in color, shape, and other natural characteristics.

Sunset Aura Quartz Healing Properties

Sunset aura quartz is immensely healing to the solar plexus, sacral, and heart chakras. If you are suffering from heartache or have felt a lack of sexual energy, sunset aura quartz may help clear the blockages from these areas. It has a dynamic energy that connects you to higher forces. It may also connect you to spirituality, increase your insights, and align your clarity & perspective.

Fairy Aura Quartz

Fairy aura quartz is also known as a baby spirit quartz, fairy finger quartz, or white fairy quartz. This milky white crystal stone can produce more feelings of happiness and joy in your life. Fairy quartz has some light and joyful vibrations that may keep you feeling optimistic and emotionally strong.

This spiritual gemstone is said to wash away your negative energy and replace it with more peaceful and stable energy that keeps disharmony away. You may use this stone to protect yourself from physical and emotional harm.

Flame Aura Quartz

Flame Aura Quartz Meaning

Flame aura quartz is one of the highest vibrational crystals with intense positive energy that are used to enhance spiritual well-being. This powerful gemstone is very useful during deep meditation and spiritual transformation. 

Flame Aura Quartz Benefits

Flame aura quartz works closely with wisdom and spirituality. Its connection with the third eye chakra can allow you to see yourself and others. It may connect you to your inner purpose and feelings and purify your mind with positive spiritual enlightenment.

Flame Aura Quartz Metaphysical Properties

Flame aura quartz may help you to achieve your best self by stimulating your creativity. It has high vibrations and powerful energy that can help you ‌become more focused and confident in all aspects of your life.

Tanzine Aura Quartz

What is Tanzine Aura Quartz

Tanzine aura quartz is considered the ‘indigo’ aura. Since this spiritual stone is a combination of gold and indium along with clear quartz, it is enriched with the wholesomeness of all three elements. Tanzine quartz has a deep blue color with subtle iridescence.

Tanzine Aura Quartz Properties

Tanzine aura quartz may clarify your intuition, giving you the confidence to enhance your communication skills by improving and activating your throat chakra. Its deep blue color is a symbol of wisdom. Tanzine aura quartz may also be beneficial for metabolism, migraine, depression, blood pressure, and diabetes.  

Sunshine Aura Quartz

Sunshine aura quartz is a bright yellow crystal stone with a gold and platinum shimmering gleam. This gemstone is a clear crystal bonded with titanium. Sunshine aura quartz works closely with the solar plexus chakra and its energy can be powerful enough to stimulate joy and happiness.

Sunshine Aura Quartz Properties

Sunshine aura quartz activates the solar plexus chakra. It may help the body ‌release toxins and aid in digestive issues. This spiritual gemstone is said to have been used to relieve constipation. Sunshine aura quartz may also be the perfect remedy in assisting treatments for the pancreas, liver, spleen, and gallbladder.

Titanium Aura Quartz

Titanium Aura Quartz Meaning

Titanium aura quartz is also considered the stone of universal light. This unique gemstone appears in aqua blue color. This gemstone has a titanium oxide coating bonded to its surface that gives a shimmering multi-colored metallic appearance.

Titanium Aura Quartz Healing Properties

Titanium has several healing properties. The colors exuding from the titanium oxide activate, balance, and cleanse all major chakras. This gemstone is an energy amplifier, enhancing creativity and psychic powers. This results in several unique healing properties.

Titanium Aura Quartz Metaphysical Properties

Titanium aura quartz stimulates the movement of the kundalini energy into the crown chakra. This powerful crystal stone may help to clear your creative blockages and improve your creative powers. It has a strong vibrational energy that enhances physical endurance by drawing more energy into the auric field.

Midnight Aura Quartz

Midnight aura quartz is created by fusing atoms of titanium onto clear quartz. This stone is known for self-discovery and transformation. Midnight quartz comes in the shade of purple with rainbow shine. The powerful energy of this crystal may help you ‌refine and take your spiritual ability to the next level.

If you are trying to focus on your personal growth, transformation, and emotionally balanced life, midnight aura quartz will be the light you desire.

Amethyst Aura Quartz

Amethyst aura quartz is a purple-colored stone created on the base of clear quartz and amethyst. The powerful energy of this unique crystal generates a feeling of happiness and joy. Amethyst aura quartz offers protection, spiritual wisdom, and stress relief. This gemstone is a must-have crystal to calm fear and anxiety. It may lift your spirit and raise hope.

Amethyst quartz properties are closely connected with the third eye chakra and crown chakra. The best way to use the crystal is to strengthen your intuitions. It may be the voice in your head, subconsciously guiding you. The ability to control your mind shows why amethyst aura quartz is such a powerful stone to balance and activate the chakras.

Celestial Aura Quartz

Celestial Aura Quartz

Celestial aura quartz is created by an alchemical process of bonding clear quartz with indium and gold. The stone features a beautiful shade of indigo blue/violet with a pearl shine. This crystal stone enhances communication and intuition. Celestial quartz may heal mental and emotional instability and act as a mentally freeing and purifying agent.

Celestial aura quartz is a ‌powerful healing stone that can provide strength and positive energy. This stone may help heal your aura by bringing soothing energy that allows you to eliminate negative energy. 

Ruby Aura Quartz

Ruby aura quartz possesses unique energy, which comes from combining crystals with precious metals such as platinum, sometimes with additional gold or silver. This precious stone may enhance love, passion, and vitality, and activate the wisdom of the heart. It features a beautiful red crystal color. Ruby aura quartz has been a favorite crystal among women.

Ruby aura quartz cleanses the base and heart chakras. This powerful crystal may help heal the effects of physical abuse, especially in children. It can eliminate the negative emotions and raises the consciousness to its purest vibration.

Ruby aura quartz may be useful in treating endocrine system dysfunction. It is also believed to aid in treatments for bacterial, fungal, and parasitic infections.

Flame Aura Quartz

Flame aura quartz is carefully created in a special process of bonding titanium and niobium with clear quartz. This gemstone produces ‌deep blue, violet, and golden metallic crystals. Every piece of flame aura quartz is unique and is excellent for ‌spiritual initiations and rituals, meditation, and spiritual attunement.

Flame aura quartz is deeply connected to crown chakra and brings spiritual wellness. This crystal may be used in meditation to promote contact with ancient Greek civilizations.

Spirit Aura Quartz

Spirit aura quartz creates a powerhouse of positive energy by bringing all the smaller energy together. This unique lavender beauty may release bad vibrations and negative emotions.

Once you are connected to spirit aura quartz, you may experience love and growth on an entirely new level. It may help you ‌channel the energy of your subconscious mind. Spirit aura quartz is also known as cacti quartz or pineapple quartz.

Opal Aura Quartz

Opal Aura Quartz Meaning

Opal aura quartz is created by the alchemical process of adhering clear quartz that has been bonded with platinum. This crystal stone features a pearly metallic sheen with pale rainbow iridescence. Opal aura quartz has a high vibrational energy that cleanses your aura and stimulates perfect balance and stability in all aspects of your life. 

Opal aura quartz may be the best remedy for digestive disorders. It may also be used in the treatment of eye disorders.

Champagne Aura Quartz

Champagne aura quartz is a powerful purifier that comes in the shade of pale smoky gold color. This crystal stone is created by the alchemical process of binding clear quartz with 24-carat gold and iron. If you are using this stone during deep meditation, it is believed that champagne quartz soothes and calms your mind. 

This high vibrational crystal stone can transform your negative thinking into the purest spiritual thought-forms. It provides powerful protection from unwanted energy. Champagne aura quartz works closely with the sacral chakra and crown chakra. Because of its bold, encouraging energy, this gemstone is the ideal stone for building courage in all areas of your life.

Aura Quartz Colors

Rainbow Aura Quartz

Rainbow Aura Quartz Meaning

Rainbow aura quartz is clear quartz that is bound with gold and titanium in the alchemical process. As the name indicates, rainbow aura quartz is a vivid multi-colored metallic rainbow shade crystal. This is a highly spiritual crystal that may balance and activate all the chakras and body systems. 

Rainbow Aura Quartz Properties

Beautiful rainbow aura quartz crystals can make a wonderful meditation companion. This crystal may calm your mind while meditating and connect you to your inner self. Rainbow quartz may help you practice astral journeying that nourishes your mind perfectly.

Blue Aura Quartz

Blue Aura Quartz Meaning

Blue aura quartz stone is a beautiful crystal stone and comes in ocean blue color. This gemstone may eliminate all the negativity in your mind. It is deeply connected to the throat, thymus, third eye, and crown chakras of your body. This high vibrational stone may also attract money. 

Rose Aura Quartz

Rose Aura Quartz Meaning

Rose aura quartz is carefully created in a special process of bonding platinum, gold, and silver with clear quartz. This precious stone comes in a raspberry rose-colored metallic sheen. This magnificent crystal may fill your heart with joy and attract what you desire in your life.

Rose Aura Quartz Metaphysical Properties

Rose aura quartz can fill your heart with love and help you eliminate the ill effects of abuse on a physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual level.

Purple Aura Quartz

Purple Aura Quartz Meaning

This splendid purple stone originates in India and is also known as violet aura quartz. This stone is new to the market. Purple aura quartz has a powerful energy that stimulates the solar plexus and etheric chakras. By keeping this stone around, you may feel a steady stream of energy flow inside you.

Indigo Aura Quartz

Indigo Aura Quartz Meaning

Indigo aura quartz is known as tanzine or tanzan aura quartz. This beautiful indigo-colored crystal is created by binding a clear crystal with gold and indium. Indigo aura quartz is closely connected with the throat, third eye, and crown chakras. Its powerful energy may heal your past anxiety and negative emotions.

Cobalt Aura Quartz

Cobalt aura quartz is created by an alchemist process of clear quartz bonded with cobalt. It comes in vivid shades of metallic blue, violet, and gold. This stone is a high vibrational stone that can make every day special, bringing special moments of joy and happiness into your life.

Pink Aura Quartz

pink aura quartz

Pink Aura Quartz Meaning

This stone is also known as rose aura quartz. Pink aura quartz has powerful energy with high vibrations. The pink color of the stone indicates unconditional love. This crystal is said to eliminate the stress and tension of your heart with its soothing energy.

Red Aura Quartz

Red aura quartz is the favorite of women since it has an elegant cherry red color. This is a crystal of passion, wisdom, and high spirit. It is associated with base and heart chakras. Red aura quartz is also known as red flame aura quartz. This crystal may provide a calm and soothing effect on the emotional body by releasing stress and negativity.

Silver Aura Quartz

Silver Aura Quartz Meaning

Silver aura quartz is another magnificent addition to the aura quartz family. As the name indicates, this crystal is created by binding clear quartz with silver. It appears in solid silver color with a metallic sheen on it. Silver aura quartz activates and balances positive energy, working closely with all the chakras. This beautiful crystal symbolizes wealth and prosperity.

Gold Aura Quartz

Gold Aura Quartz Meaning

Gold aura quartz activates and balances the solar plexus chakra. This powerful stone has a high vibrational energy that provides a clear channel to reach the higher self. This is why this crystal is used during meditation that clears your mind and fills soothing vibes. Golden aura quartz transforms negative energy into the purest spiritual thoughts.

Yellow Aura Quartz

Yellow aura quartz is clear quartz alchemically attached to gold and platinum. It comes in bright yellow with an iridescent gleam. With its powerful and high vibrational energy, it can help heal old trauma and anxiety. Yellow aura quartz works closely with the solar plexus chakra. This stone is also known as sunshine aura quartz.

Green Aura Quartz 

Green aura quartz is also known as apple or pistachio aura quartz. This gemstone may help to purify the blood and boost the immune system. Green aura quartz is created with an alchemical superheating process by binding clear quartz with vaporized nickel. It features a yellow-green hue with a metallic sheen. This stone is highly beneficial for cellular memory healing.

White Aura Quartz

White aura quartz stone may heal you physically, mentally, and emotionally with its high vibrations. It may help you remove toxins and disease from all the organs. This beautiful white gemstone is also known as white or milky quartz. This stone connects you to your inner self by improving your liaison with your truest self.

Black Aura Quartz

Black aura quartz is also known as black knight aura quartz. This unique gemstone is created by the alchemical process of bonding clear crystal with platinum and silver metals. As the name indicates, this gemstone is black with some beautiful pearl white sparkles on it. It also comes in black with occasional streaks of vibrant blue, green, pink, or gold.

Cranberry Aura Quartz

Cranberry aura crystal quartz is made by bonding pure metals with clear crystal quartz. This stone is energizing at all levels since it works closely with all seven chakras. It comes in light cranberry pink color with a metallic shine. Cranberry crystal has a deep connection with universal love, joy, and happiness.

Tangerine Aura Quartz

Tangerine aura quartz is also known as melon aura quartz. This light orange crystal is related to the sacral chakra. It may stimulate sexual energy with its highly vibrational frequencies. Tangerine aura quartz is created by the alchemy process of bonding clear crystals with gold and iron oxide.

Moss Aura Quartz

Moss aura quartz comes in pale, shimmery green‌. This gemstone is closely connected with the heart chakra. It may help you detox your immune system and may also be used for multi-dimensional or cellular healing. Moss aura quartz is an excellent gemstone that brings emotional strength and hopes with its high vibrational energy.

Magenta Aura Quartz

Magenta aura quartz is a crystal of forgiveness for both yourself and others. This gemstone features a pink-magenta shade with a metallic sheen. It is also known as magenta fluorite quartz. The stone works closely with the heart chakra. Magenta is a higher spiritual color and represents synchronicity.

Violet Aura Quartz

Violet aura quartz is a brand new crystal of the aura quartz family. This crystal is considered to be a transformation aura quartz. It is a powerful crystal that stimulates the solar plexus chakra as well as the etheric chakra. You may use this crystal during meditation to empty your mind from negative energy.

Lemon Aura Quartz

lemon aura quartz

Lemon aura quartz is the symbol of well-being, creativity, and optimism. As the name indicates, this crystal is a bright lemon-yellow with a metallic sheen. Lemon aura quartz enhances your focus on personal goals and clears your mind with its soothing energy. It also helps to support deep meditation and is believed to reduce anxiety.

Aura Quartz Jewelry

Every jewelry made of aura quartz stone has its specific meaning and vibes. If you are buying aura quartz stone, always look for authentic stones in the market, either in-store or online.

Aura Quartz Necklace

Wearing a necklace made of aura quartz stone brings a spark of light into your attire. These beautiful necklaces with meaning bring the wearer luck, protection, and serenity.

Titanium Aura Quartz Necklace

When you wear titanium aura quartz jewelry, it encourages you to stay calm, focused, and glamourous in all areas of life.

Rainbow Aura Quartz Necklace

Rainbow aura quartz necklace has a rainbow-colored structure and looks stunning. It provides a calming effect for those who wear it.

Sunset Aura Quartz Necklace

Sunset aura quartz necklace comes in a bright yellow shade with a gold and platinum shimmering gleam.

Flame Aura Quartz Necklace

Flame aura quartz necklace comes in deep blue, violet, and golden metallic color shades. Every piece of flame aura quartz necklace is unique and looks elegant.

Aura Quartz Ring

You can search for aura quartz rings online. It will show you some of the gorgeous rings out there. Another ‌way to get an aura quartz ring is to buy a raw aura quartz gemstone and then make a customized ring of your choice with a professional jeweler.

Aura Quartz Engagement Ring

Aura quartz engagement ring is a bit difficult to find but you can buy a raw aura quartz gemstone and then customize it to your choice.

Aura Quartz Pendant

Aura quartz’s metallic shine, similar to that of a diamond, makes the pendant glow from the inside out. These beautiful pendants are made with aura quartz crystal stones and look beautiful.

Tanzan Aura Quartz Pendant

Tanzan aura quartz pendant comes in violet or purple. It looks gorgeous when one wears it.

Aura Quartz Uses

Aura Quartz Beads

Aura quartz crystal is also used to create beads. Beads made of aura quartz look beautiful with their metallic shine.

Rainbow Aura Quartz Table

Rainbow aura quartz table is easily available online or at your nearest crystal store.

Aura Quartz Countertops

Aura quartz countertops look magnificent in the home or office. Its soothing energy exudes relaxing vibes wherever it’s kept.

Aura Quartz Sphere

Aura quartz sphere is a crystal ball made of tumbled quartz crystal. This sphere comes in different sizes (from 1 inch to 3 inches in diameter). Stands for this crystal sphere are also available online. You can keep an aura quartz sphere at home or in the office to enhance the ambiance with positivity.

Aura Quartz Tower

aura quartz tower

Aura quartz towers are also available online or in-store. It works the same as an aura quartz sphere.

How to Make Aura Quartz

Aura quartz is carefully created in a superheating process of alchemy by bonding some purest metals with clear quartz. 

Aura Quartz for Sale

Aura Quartz Wholesale

You can buy aura quartz online or at your nearest wholesale crystal store.

Fake Aura Quartz

Some fraudsters may sell fake aura quartz, but you don’t need to worry about it. Here are some pointers for you to check if your aura quartz is real or fake:

  • Fake crystals can be made of glass
  • Fake crystals can be chemically altered
  • Know your retailer before you buy your aura quartz crystal
  • Real aura quartz crystals don’t have air bubbles in them


Aura quartz crystal is known as a stone of transformation and emotional intelligence. It eliminates the negative energy from your mind and gently brings protection and happiness. Its calming and soothing energy allows users to think with a more pure mind.

Aura quartz has been associated with the power of all seven chakras that encourage you to live boldly, freely, and fearlessly. Aura quartz can be an excellent crystal for stress relief and may also bring the body into balance by releasing harmful negative energy. 

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